I started trying to take photos in caves in the early 1990's and sometime in 1996 I got access to a slide scanner at Syracuse University. Here are a few early shots that I liked, even though the photographic and scan qualities are quite embarrassing!
Duncan Mercer in Aran View Cave, Co. Clare, Ireland (Easter 1994).
Going over the lip of the short pitch in Valley Entrance, Kingsdale, Yorkshire, UK (June 1994).
Paul Turner about to abseil down the short pitch in Valley Entrance, Kingsdale, Yorkshire, UK (June 1994).
Photography workshop at the 1994 Cavers' Fair, Long Churn, Yorkshire, UK (June 1994).
Bruce Davis in Otter Hole, near Chepstow, UK (1993).
Andy in Caullaun 1, Co. Clare, Ireland (Easter 1993).
Nicola Wilkin in Alderley Edge copper mine (Engine vein), Cheshire, England (1992).
Laura in Carlswark Caverns, Derbyshire, England (1992).
Paul Turner climbing a cascade at the bottom of Alum Pot, Yorkshire, England (September 1992).
Originally at http://www.phy.syr.edu/~simeon/vpp/photos